About Me

I'm a 30-something girl shaping my life to be what I've always wanted. I've been incredibly fortunate to have never dealt with any major mental health issues despite both parents having many. I can't believe the luck and take none of it for granted. I hope to reach out to others who may live the same life.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Getting Comfortable

Week number two has passed, and now that the other new coordniator is there, I'm getting a little more training in. It's still rather minimal. I'm also finding more to do everyday that pushes back what I need to be doing in order to function at my job. I can tell it will be a busy summer.

I am excited to have a summer of working with the teens I met last week and the ones I'll be interviewing this Sunday. This will be a very rewarding part of my job, and I'm actually honored to be able to do it.

In the meantime, I wait until Thursday when I get to pick up Sevon from the airport in Charlotte. He'll get to be here for almost two weeks! It will be great to see someone I care about and from somewhere familiar.

My apartment is completely put together minus the furniture factor, and I've gotten to the point where I can do some serious baking and cooking and stop living on fast food and boxed meals. And one of these days, after a month of not getting paid, I'll be able to afford the simple things like a microwave and a vaccuum. To be obtained....

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