About Me

I'm a 30-something girl shaping my life to be what I've always wanted. I've been incredibly fortunate to have never dealt with any major mental health issues despite both parents having many. I can't believe the luck and take none of it for granted. I hope to reach out to others who may live the same life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lately life has been filled with choices. Apply to this job, date that person, buy a new mp3 player or not.

In many aspects I feel like I'm either moving backwards or not at all. In others, it seems like warp speed.

The job search is slow in this economy and I press on with it, hoping to not just find a job, but find one that I enjoy and in an area I am comfortable with. Staying here would be ideal, but I wonder how possible that is as most jobs I apply for are out of state, and many across the country. If there is anyone looking out there in the EE field, the places to go seem to be SEEK and EE Link.

Life in general is moving fast. I began hunting for a job almost two months ago, and suddenly I feel like I'm already running out of time. I can't possibly be alone in this frustration with seasonal work. On the other hand, I suppose I'm not, or the job market would be easier to tackle in my field.

So, I just continue to find joy in my job. A couple nights ago, I was being protected by a 7-year old from the "werewolf" that was clearly lurking outside the camp's lodge building. He watched over me until I was all done. Can't go wrong with a knight in not-so-shining armor like that. This happened not too long after I was recruited as a spy in the capture the flag game that encompassed all of camp. Who wants to sit in an office? Not me. Who will eventually have to anyway? Probably me. The more I think about this, the less horrible it sounds. There's no way I'll ever let myself get disconnected from it all no matter how few windows my office has. It's just in there. Waiting to take a break from writing curriculum on a computer and get out there. Maybe life wouldn't be so bad. It's all what I make it.

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